วันพุธที่ 5 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Twelve Bar Blues Chord Progressions

Knowing your twelve bar blues chord progressions is one of the best ways
to get a handle on playing guitar. Once you understand the basic
principles of blues guitar, you can start to experiment with improvising
within the chord progressions and to put your own mark on the music.

The twelve bar blues chord progression is very widely used in pop and rock
music. If you have listened to and tried to play some blues songs, you
will understand how popular this basic chord sequence is. In playing blues
guitar you take the main chord of the song you are playing, which is
called the "tonic", the fifth step of the scale - the "dominant", and the
chord below the dominant, the "subdominant", or fourth step. So if you are
playing a song in the key of E your tonic chord is E, the subdominant is A
and the dominant is B. If you are playing in the key of A, your chords are
A, D and E.

In musical notation your chord sequence is commonly written in Roman
numerals. In the case of the twelve bar blues chord progression, it will
be written as I IV V. Using this notation you can tell which chords you
will be using in any key.

So let's look at how the twelve bar blues chord progression actually
progresses. Well, the first four bars use the tonic chord, in the fifth
and sixth you play the subdominant, in the seventh and eight you will play
the tonic again, in bar nine it's the dominant, in bar ten it's the
subdominant and in the eleventh and twelfth bars it's the tonic, or in
this bar the dominant seventh chord is usually used to prepare for the
tonic chord to begin the progression again.

The fact is that the seventh chord is used a lot in blues music rather
than just the straight major chord. This will make the chord sequence in
the key of E look like this:

E7 E7 E7 E7

A7 A7 E7 E7

B7 A7 E7 E7

Or you could just play the seventh chords in the fourth and twelfth bars
like this:

E E E E7


B A E E7

Or you could play all major chords except for the subdominant and the
final bar:


A7 A7 E E

B A7 E E7

So there you have a couple of variations in the twelve bar blues chord
progression already. Once you have the feel of the progression using open
chords, you can try experimenting with the barre chord and power chord
versions of the basic chords.

